Do you want to request for exemption or dismissal of the fines in Dubai! our team help you! and this article offer all information do you want it!
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Is It possible to Dismiss fines in Dubai?
Dubai allows anyone with violations, whether they are traffic violations, residency or visit visa violations, or even if there is a fine imposed against them, to submit a request for exemption or dismissal of the fines, by submitting a mercy petition f according to the prescribed procedures and conditions.
A mercy petition for violations in Dubai can be defined as the request submitted by an individual facing fines or imprisonment as a result of committing violations against the regulations and laws in the Emirate, seeking exemption from the fine or its reduction, exemption from imprisonment or its reduction, or requesting not to be penalized with deportation from the United Arab Emirates.
Types of Mercy Petitions for Violations in Dubai
- Residency Violation Mercy Petition: This is submitted by expatriates in the Emirate requesting exemption from fines related to residency violations, especially if their residency has expired without renewal.
- Traffic Violation Mercy Petition: This petition is submitted by individuals who have committed traffic violations resulting in financial fines and possibly imprisonment.
- Visit Visa Violation Mercy Petition: Submitted by visitors on a visit visa to Dubai who have violated regulations related to the expiration of their visit duration without leaving the country, or for any violation committed during their stay.
- Mercy Petition for Violations Requiring Penal Sanctions: Submitted to the Dubai Public Prosecution for exemption from or reduction of penal sanctions.
Perhaps the most significant among these mercy petitions is the one for residency violations in Dubai, submitted by expatriates either to be exempted from fines incurred by these violations, to avoid deportation, or to seek re-entry into the UAE after having been deported.
Deportation for residency violations, known as administrative deportation, often results from the expiration of an expatriate’s stay without renewal.
There is also what is known as judicial deportation, which is a deportation resulting from the imposition of a penal sanction for a crime committed by the expatriate. This results in the individual being punished with the original sanction of imprisonment and a fine, and a subsequent penalty of deportation from the Emirates upon completion of the original punishment, or by deportation alone without serving a prison sentence.
How to Request For Exemption or Dismissal of the Fines in Dubai?
To submit a request for exemption or dismissal of the fines in Dubai, follow these steps:
- Visit the official website of the General Directorate of Residency and Foreigners Affairs in Dubai.
- Navigate to the services directory and click on the section for violators.
- Enter the section for fines for violating the foreign residency law.
- Click on the option for exemption from fines for violating the foreign residency law.
- Fill in the required information.
- Attach the necessary documents, including a copy of the passport for the residency regulation violator, a letter including the mercy petition, and any other documents requested by the fines committee.
- After paying any required fees, submit your application.
If you wish to submit any mercy petition in the Emirate of Dubai, you can also do so through the Amer service center by following these steps:
- Go to the nearest Customer Happiness Center.
- Obtain an automatic waiting ticket and wait for your turn.
- Once it’s your turn, approach the customer service officer and present your mercy petition.
- Ensure that the mercy petition meets all the requirements and is accompanied by all necessary documents.
- Pay any applicable fees.
Important Tips for Writing a Request for Exemption or Dismissal of the Fines in Dubai
Our office advises anyone wishing to submit a mercy petition to follow these tips:
- Proper Language and Legal Accuracy: The mercy petition should be written in correct legal and linguistic terms.
- Comprehensive Information: The petition should include all necessary information, especially the entity to which it is addressed, details of the petitioner, an explanation of the petitioner’s social and psychological situation, and the requests in the petition with expressions of compassion and mercy.
- Brevity and Relevance: Ensure that the petition is concise, informative, and meets all requirements while avoiding unnecessary length and repetition.
- Focus on the Objective: The main goal of the mercy petition is to convince the responsible authority of the necessity to exempt the petitioner from fines or prescribed penalties.
- Legal Assistance: It is advisable for those looking to submit a mercy petition to seek the help of an experienced lawyer specialized in drafting mercy petitions, especially if it requires the inclusion of specific legal articles in the petition.
- Beyond Writing: The lawyer’s role does not stop at writing the mercy petition but extends to providing all necessary legal advice, tips, and guidance for following up on the submission of the petition and all procedures resulting from its approval.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
What is the response time for a mercy petition?
The response time for a mercy petition varies depending on the entity to which the petition was submitted, whether there is a significant number of mercy petitions already submitted to that entity, and depending on the nature of the case being petitioned for mercy. Petitions related to exemption from penal sanctions generally take longer to process than those related to exemption from traffic violations.
Can one appeal against the decision to reject a mercy petition?
It is not possible to appeal against the decision to reject a mercy petition because such a decision is not judicial. Furthermore, when a mercy petition is submitted by anyone, whether a citizen or an expatriate, it does not obligate the administration to respond positively, nor is it considered an administrative decision that warrants a grievance or appeal.
Seek the Best Legal Expertise
Our office specializes in writing mercy petitions for all types of violations, including traffic violations, residency violations, and other types such as municipal and labor violations.
We pride ourselves on a team of lawyers and legal writers specialized in drafting mercy petitions, who possess extensive experience and adhere strictly to the laws and regulations in force.
We maintain complete confidentiality of your personal information, and our service fees are reasonable.
Do not hesitate to contact us today for a free consultation about Request For Exemption or Dismissal of the Fines in Dubai 2024
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